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Self Efficacy And The Growth Mindset

What are you capable of? How do you see yourself? Can you reach new heights and change who you become in the future? What we believe about ourselves is important, and how we see ourselves in the present will affect who we become in the future!

Anytime we complete a task it builds a sense of confidence within ourselves to be able to complete it again. When we exercise on Monday, we are more likely to exercise again on Tuesday or Wednesday! When we finish a house project, we gain more confidence to be able to complete another one! All of the wins we stack up in life build up and increase our inward belief in ourselves to accomplish something more. This is what we refer to as self efficacy. Self efficacy is an individual’s ability or capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance goals. 

Self efficacy is not stagnant, but can grow and flourish! Just as a child learns and grows, so does our own self efficacy. To do this, we have to have a growth mindset. A growth mindset means that we all possess the ability to improve upon our basic abilities through hard work and dedication. When it comes to building ourselves up, achieving more in life, and taking advantage of the talents God has blessed us with; we have to throw away a fixed mindset and fully embrace a growth mindset. Think how far we could go and who we could become with more dedication to a particular task and a higher belief in ourselves to accomplish that task! How often have we  said, “I wish I had a nicer body. I wish I could eat healthier. I wish I could run farther. I wish I could play with my kids for longer?” I bet pretty often! And how easily do we just accept the way things are rather than aiming for higher purposes? 

We need to think more of who we want to become and what we want to accomplish, and instill within ourselves the belief that we are capable. We need to believe that we can handle failure and learn from our mistakes. We need to believe that we have the ability to change and that we can become more than who we currently are. Embrace your God given ability to learn and grow. Embrace the challenge before you and REMEMBER every win! Use the wins you stack up to increase your own self efficacy and build confidence within yourself that you truly are capable of handling all that you want to accomplish and become.


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