New Year, Same Hustle and Grind

With 2020 in the rearview mirror we have the opportunity to take a look back at our successes, and at the areas where we can be better for the upcoming year. We could point to the pandemic and how hard it made everything, but with the hustle and grind of our staff and clients at Fitrition the 'hard' was worth every step.
When the shutdown began in March there were more unknowns than knowns. We had no idea how long it would last, if we would be able to open our doors to you again, and if we could, what that would look like. Prayer, hard work, and our gym members helped us get everything up and running again, and we figured out how to do the hard thing.
The restart wasn't without hiccoughs. We had a few adjustments that had to be made as we learned, but overall we've been so very proud of the results. We're leaving 2020 with better staff organization, more complete strength and conditioning programs, a greater focus on youth strength and conditioning programs, as well as a more organized schedule and cleaner facility. We also embraced opportunities to host a fitness event and a Christmas party for coaches and clients.
In 2021, we're looking forward to building upon the momentum 2020 pushed us to gain in order to create a more encouraging environment for all of us. Our mission for this year can be broken down into 4 categories; coaching development, facility improvements, growth in service, and building relationships.
Coaching development: 2020 gave our staff a great period of time to have meetings and discussions to articulate who we want to be as coaches, and how that relates to the service we deliver each day. We committed to meeting regularly in order to challenge and encourage each other to identify our necessary areas of growth and seek the processes by which to grow. We are committed in 2021 to embodying our personal and professional growth to the point of our service to you. We want nothing less than to be the best we can for our clients.
Facility improvements: Since moving to Fairlawn Plaza in 2017, we've randomly moved equipment around in order to find what set up suits us best. Since we've had over 3 years of experience, we've decided that not only moving equipment around, but even exchanging some of our equipment for other types of equipment would leave us with a better facility. We're looking forward to increasing the amount of various equipment that makes our facility more diverse considering the needs 2020 placed on us (keeping distance and minimizing sharing of equipment during sessions). We will also take measures to make the environment itself more encouraging and conducive to workouts. Get EXCITED!
Growth in service: Now that we've experienced the schedule changes and number in regular clientele attendance that 2020 brought, we want to make the most of it. We have openings in a few of our adult strength and conditioning classes that need filled, as well as opportunities to add a few classes to our schedule. We have also embraced personal training as a consistent service and we plan to offer more opportunities for clients in that way. Our main focus for growth in 2021 will be focused on the development of a more robust youth strength and conditioning program; we want to become a greater influence in youth fitness as well as training for youth athletes.
Building relationships: We want to work towards better communication between coaches, clients and the community. This communication will be focused around our vision and processes, increasing understanding as to why we do what we do as well as how we do it with the overall hope of encouraging others to commit to do and be their best. We plan to utilize digital and in person processes to get our message across on a daily basis. Also, we look forward to having more fun this year. We plan to do a couple of fitness events to support community causes, as well as organize an event or two for clients and coaches to hangout without workout so long as COVID allows.
In the grand scheme of things, the new year is a fantastic reminder that time won't stop and wait for will pass each of us by at the same rate of 60 seconds per minute. We know there are multiple ways we can be better at what we do in our service to you, and we will spend 2021 focusing on 1% at a time. We wish you all the best in the work you have in front of you to do in order to continue your journey of excellence.